Special Programs » Special Education TEA Updates

Special Education TEA Updates


Updates in Special Education (SB 139 Notice to Families): 
Beginning with the 2017 school year, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) changed the way it reports special education enrollment in school systems. TEA no longer includes a target for a school system’s total numbers of students in special education as part of state monitoring. 

IDEA, Dyslexia, MTSS, and Section 504 (TEA Special Education Resources): 

The documents linked here  on the TEA website have been created as general resources for families on the topics listed below

  • Dyslexia
  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
  • Section 504

Delayed or Denied Evaluations (Compensatory Services): 
Compensatory services are used to help students make up for progress or skills they lost when their special education services were not provided. This includes situations where a child does not get special education services because he or she was denied a timely initial evaluation but later found eligible. If an initial evaluation was denied when it should not have been, compensatory services may be needed to make up for the delay in your child getting special education services.