Business Services

Business Office Mission Statement:
The Farmersville ISD Business Office strives to provide outstanding support to all district staff and the Farmersville community while maintaining the highest level of fiscal accountability.



FISD encourages vendors to register with a purchasing cooperative. To view the list of purchasing cooperatives currently participated in by the District, click HERE.

Vendors are required to complete the Vendor Application Form, Vendor W9 and the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire if applicable. EFT payment is the preferred  payment method and may be initiated by completing the EFT Form below. 

Please note: The District will not be responsible for payment for goods or services that are provided to Farmersville ISD staff without an approved purchase order issued by the FISD Business Office. 


Staff Forms:
Purchase Orders are to be submitted electronically via the ASCENDER Business Software. Requisition forms may be submitted to Department leaders or Principals to initiate a request; however, the Business Office only accepts electronic requests made through the ASCENDER Business Software after Department leaders/Principals' approval is complete.




Business Office Staff: